Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Why not?

Why not try to do in life what you always dreamt of? 
It is simple actually! Make a list of all the things you wished you do in your life and work towards them. That's it! 
A year ago, I held a painting exhibition with an intention to answer questions that mingle with my mind. "Can the viewer of art be part of an art project?", "Is art the privilege of a selected few?"
You see, raised in a middle class family in Greece, the fourth daughter of my family, I always thought that certain areas are forbidden for me. Like the arts. 
My immediate family did not salute the whole thing. One of my sister's reaction was: "Why did you do that? This is for the rich girls!" 
Well, the fact was that in life you need imagination, work, good friends, faith and determination. The rest, is part of the journey. 
I learnt some valuable lessons and went on. 

My project's name is "Hidden Faces In Hidden Places". 

And the inspiration behind it, was Maria Callas. I was watching this picture of hers. Such a strong look and yet such a sad story behind it. (http://www.opera-club.net/img/nlnov/Maria_Callas.jpg)

How that woman hid her whole drama behind her roles?  How people hide behind things, yet revealed to those who have the chance to look closer? I decided to paint portraits of people hidden behind things. And then elicit probable truths from the viewers. (Can art be created by a person who is not named officially an "artist" and yet all her life she has been artistically expressed?)
"What do you think are the thoughts and feelings of the person in the painting?", "How do you feel and what do you think when you see the person in the painting?". 

The comments were remarkable. But life had different plans and it took me a year to work with them. So for the following weeks, I will work with the material and come up with a theatrical play. The remaining of the journey would be how to make a production out of it. But that is another story. ... Stay tuned. 

P.S I had tremendous help from Mrs. Despoina, the lady behind the cafe Hamogelo where the exhibition was held, a friend who left my life, Aspa and dear Lenia who sponsored my exhibition by commissioning with a work of art for her place. Huge thanks to the three ladies and all the participants. 

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